Automatic pilot-test unit

Designing an in situ remediation system for complex soil conditions with heterogeneous contaminant distribution is complex while many system components interact on each other. Specially when the remedial system needs to operate as extensively as possible, utilising the soil's natural biological ability to breakdown contamination detailed analysis of the underground system is required. Shown is a fully automatic recording unit capable of recording simultaneously: Air movements (3D) in the unsaturated zone ( down to 1 mm/hr); Concentration of gasses (O2, CO2, N2O, CH4, H2S and HC vapours); In the data processing unit these two were combined as flux of the individual gasses in three dimensions; The sensor data is compared to results of analysis of gasses and water (both taken automatically every 15 minutes) using on-line analytical instruments (GC-TCD, UV-Vis) The system also records depth to groundwater at several positions, the groundwater flow direction (2D) using the G&H groundwater vector-sensor and variations in depth, NO3 concentration in capillary fringe to measure diffusive upwards movement. Meteorological conditions: wind speed and direction, sunshine intensity, air temperature and humidity, rainfall and evapotranspiration are recorded and correlated with the gaseous movements in the unsaturated zone.